Coconut Banoffee Shots | Easy Banoffee Cups

An individual shot sized Banoffee dessert, spiked with coconut bites…




Each time a year passes in the life of this blog, it fills my heart up with inexplicable emotions. The blog may not be a living being, but it is something that helped me tide the ups and downs of my life in every possible way. When I was at height of happiness, it gave me an outlet to share it. When I went into the ditches of sadness, it helped me tide up through it. When I was confused and feeling absolutely blank, the blog made me work myself out and look beyond the situation. It has literally been a diary of my emotions, expressed in a way that I felt comfortable with. Many of them tell me that they read the blog more for the introductions and little titbits I post in almost every recipe post, more than for the recipe itself. I don’t know if I need to take that as a compliment. 😀


Anyway, the blog is now nine years old. I started it with this post, but my first recipe post was two days later, so you can see that every year, I have been posting on either of the days or closer to it. Hehe… Whatever said and done, since the blog’s birthday is very close to Azza’s, it is easier to remember. 😉 Having said that, she is turning 11 tomorrow InShaAllah. Just yesterday she was that toddler who used to drive me up the wall, which she continues to do but in a different level. 😉 Having said that, both my girls are like ying and yang, and they make sure that I am kept on my toes in every possible way. Hehe… May Allah bless you with a long, healthy, fulfilling life with His blessings and remembrance Aameen Ya Rubb…




I have been doing some milestone posts each time the blog hits a milestone – obviously! – but it looks like I haven’t done any after posting the last year blogoversary post. The blog is now home to almost 1600 recipes – just another 11 recipes away from it! Sometimes I can’t believe that I am the one who made these recipes, clicked them and eventually posted them on the blog. The last couple of years have been a slow down as far as posting was concerned, but still I feel the same excitement when I type out the recipe, think about what to post as the beginning to the post and how to go about doing it, and eventually scheduling it. Even though my trial and testing of new recipes have come to a trickle now, I am glad that I have a new recipe coming up somehow or the other. So it is not yet time for me to give up on posting more, but I may simply not pick up my pace as yet… 🙂


Let me come back to the recipe I chose to post this time… As usual, I kept this aside from my drafts. I was planning to do this post in July as the Eid dessert, however the vote went for the Red Velvet Milk Cake, so this one got sidelined. I have a cousin who love banoffee pies. In fact, he modelled for my chocolate banoffee pie recipe too. Hehe… Since my girls aren’t exactly fans of banana desserts, I haven’t made this dessert as much as I would have loved to. But then I realized if I would make them as individually portioned sizes, then why not…




The only difference between a regular banoffee pie and this one is the addition of toasted coconut along with some nuts, to give an extra flavor edge. Serving the same in individual portions instead of one whole pie pan makes it easier to enjoy it as well. Who doesn’t love portions that will just have your spoon digging in? I have always wanted to give some twist to this favorite dessert of ours and coconut is something that always ticks the right boxes, especially since we are Malabaris. 😉


I am actually feeling a little stuck about how to complete this post, but as always, I am really thankful for each and every one, who reads the blog, who tries the recipes and who comes back with their feedback, positive and negative. It is all of you that makes me go on and want to post on the blog without taking too much of a break. I sincerely hope that you will continue to stick to me and come back to this blog whenever you need new recipe ideas or for just searching your old favorites… Off to this easy recipe…





5 from 1 vote

Coconut Banoffee Shots | Easy Banoffee Cups

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Servings 4
Author Rafeeda AR


  • 1/2 cup grated coconut
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 4 digestive biscuits crushed
  • 1 big banana or 2 medium ones, sliced
  • 4-6 tbsp dulce de leche or caramel
  • 1/2 cup sweetened whipped cream


  • Set aside 4 cups for serving.
  • Heat one tbsp of butter and toast the coconut till mildly brown. Allow to cool completely.
  • Powder the digestive biscuits and mix with the rest of the butter, after melting. Divide equally into the bottom of the cups.
  • Sprinkle half of the toasted coconut into the cups. Top with the sliced banana.
  • Layer with caramel on top and then with the whipping cream.
  • Sprinkle the rest of the coconut as topping on all four cups. Also, sprinkle the pistachio bits if using.
  • Allow the pudding cups to set in the fridge for a couple of hours. Enjoy!

Join the Conversation

  1. 5 stars
    Such a sweet reminiscence. Blogging just grows on you doesn’t it. I always loved your blog and happy to see it head to double digits soon. Well done Rafeeda.

  2. 5 stars
    Nice presentation. Your recipe is easy and prepared with simple ingredients. I’ll surely follow it.

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