Chocolate Marshmallow Mousse | Eggless Chocolate Mousse

Easy chocolate mousse in minutes, using marshmallows…




I have actually been struggling with putting up posts. At times, I suffer from writer’s block. Not that I have been a good writer as such, but there has always been times when I have not found it difficult to find a subject worth of writing. But these days, most of the days are very similar, maybe because I am really not taking any interest to get things better or right. Maybe I just need to go slow with myself and not push. I have been slowly trying to make videos, but I can’t say that I am doing it at a good pace. I am just happy I did something about it to start. 🙂 I have been wanting to have a You Tube channel and have recieved so many requests to start doing videos earlier. I used to have no time before, but now that I have enough time, I am not taking the effort to make it happen.


As much as I don’t like to push myself, at times I feel I am not productively utilizing my time. For some, it is me pressurizing myself and not taking enough rest, after having some maddeningly busy years before. I am not even trying any new dishes, just trying to cook the older ones and update them with better pictures and content. But Alhamdulillah, it helps that I have enough drafts to feed my blog whenever I want. I will still take the blog at my own pace… hehe…




Mousse is always associated to being a dessert with eggs. I have already made it once before and we totally loved it. Eggless mousse is usually made like a chocolate pudding but I somehow don’t feel that it has the actual texture of it. That is when I discovered making mousse with marshmallows. I have marshmallows in my home on and off, because Azza loves to chew on them. She is forever making s’mores in the microwave with it, and was one of her favorite desserts during the lockdown last year. Hehe… Once, she didn’t like the marshmallow that we had bought and it remained untouched. That got converted into this really silky smooth and eggless mousse.


The mousse uses marshmallows as well as whipping cream, so it gives that exact creamy texture a mousse would normally have. The recipe is very easy to make, but then just like all cold desserts, the waiting time is what can make you a little restless. Hehe… Do try to use white marshmallows so that the color of the chocolate shows through. I guess it is a very straight forward recipe, so I will get going straight to it, rather than beating around the bush…




5 from 8 votes

Chocolate Marshmallow Mousse

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Servings 6
Author Rafeeda AR


  • 150 gm marshmallows
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp coffee powder
  • 250 gm thick cream
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chips melted
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt


  • Combine the marshmallows, milk, sugar, cocoa powder and coffee in a saucepan and cook on low flame till the marshmallow melts and combines well. Cool completely.
  • Whip the cream into soft peaks. Fold in the marshmallow cream and the rest of the ingredients till well combined.
  • Divide into 6 small glasses and refrigerate for four hours till set.


I have kept the sugar minimal because marshmallows and the chocolate used will be sweet itself. Increase as per tasteness.

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  1. 5 stars
    oooo, I can literally say I am ready to grab that spoon from your hand. So yummy.

  2. 5 stars
    Who doesn’t love chocolate? This eggless chocolate mousse looks so airy and light. Am sure it tastes heavenly.

  3. 5 stars
    Chocolate, coffee, marshmallows so what not to like about this mousse Rafeeda. It looks super delicious. Pass me the glass please, I want to gobble up everything.

  4. 5 stars
    Love this chocolate mousse with marshmallow. Lovely airy texture and because it is chocolate, am sure I’d love it. Also like the addition of coffee to it to give it an additional flavour.

  5. Heaven in a glass, that’s how I describe this dessert!! Delightful and perfectly made. Do you think can I use vegan marshmallows?

  6. 5 stars
    I’m loving this chocolate mousse with marshmallow…Though I’m not a great chocolate fan, I love it when combined with coffee! The mousse has turned out perfect with great airy texture!

  7. 5 stars
    This eggless chocolate Marshmallow mousse looks so decadent love the edition of coffee and chocolate together in it and I am sure it would definitely make a wonderful after dinner desert.

  8. 5 stars
    I love everything with chocolate. This mousse with chocolate, coffee and marshmallows sounds absolutely delightful ! Love the airy creamy texture.

  9. 5 stars
    ahaaa what an amazing combination here !!! Chocolate, coffee, marshmallows all going in here are surely making the mousse super delicious. I simply wanna gobble up everything right from the screen

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