Kaada Mutta Roast ~ Quail Egg Roast

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Read this message on my Whassup and have been wanting to share and save this… Life can’t get more optimistic than this… 🙂


The word (الحزن) “sadness” does not appear in the Qur’aan except in the form of forbidding it

(ولا تهنو ولاتحزنوا)

or in the form of negating it

(فلاخوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون).

And the reason for this is because there is no benefit for having sadness in the heart. The most beloved thing to Shaitan is to make the believing slave sad by taking him off track.

The Prophet (ﷺ) sought refuge in Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) from sadness

(اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن)

Ibnul Qayyim رحمه الله said: “Sadness weakens the heart and diminishes determination and wanting to go forward. And there is nothing more beloved to the Shaitan than the sadness of a believer.”

For this reason, be happy, optimistic and think good about Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى). Have trust in what Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) is able to do and depend on Him. You will find happiness and pleasure in all situations.

Ibnul Qayyim رحمه الله said: “Don’t ruin your happiness with worry, and don’t ruin your mind with pessimism. Don’t ruin your success with deception and don’t ruin the optimism of others by destroying it. Don’t ruin your day by looking back at yesterday.

If you think about your situation, you will find that Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) has given you things without asking, so have trust in Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) that He doesn’t prevent anything you want except there is goodness for you.

You could be sleeping and the doors of the heavens are being opened with dua’as being made on your behalf, SubhanAllaah: perhaps from someone poor whom you helped, or someone sad whom you brought joy, or someone passing by and you smiled at him, or someone in distress and you removed it.. so don’t ever underestimate any good deeds.”

One of the righteous predecessors said:

“I make dua’a to Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) for something I want, and if He gives it to me then I’m happy once and if He doesn’t give it to me then I’m happy ten times because the first was my choice and the second was Allaah’s choice.”

As Sa’ady (رحمه الله) on him said: “Life is short so don’t shorten it with worries, grief, and sadness.”

So be the owner of a heart that breathes happiness and satisfaction.

May Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) make your times happy and may Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) forgive us all. آمِيْن ثُمَّ آمِيْن.


Quail eggs is something we keep buying at home. HD loves them, so once in a while, I boil them and give. Azza also loves these, especially because of the size. She calls them “kunji mutta” (small eggs) and she wants at least four to five in her plate. I cannot give that much to her, especially since they are high in nutrition content. HD always says that one quail egg is equal to five chicken eggs, how far this is true, I have no clue. Once he had bought a small bag full of quail eggs that his friend had given him and I was lost as to what to do out of it. I distributed more than half of it and the remaining half, I would boil and give Azza once in a while. I still have a few lying in the fridge and I am hoping they aren’t spoiled! This is one roast that I had made off it and they tasted lovely. Of course, eating just three eggs and that too for dinner left us wanting more, but then since these were quail eggs, it was accepted as such… 🙂 Off to the recipe…


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Kaada Mutta Roast ~ Quail Egg Roast

Course Eggs
Cuisine Malabar - Indian
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 3
Author Rafeeda


  • 9 quail eggs boiled and peeled
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1 green chilli minced
  • 2 medium onions minced
  • 1 large tomato chopped
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp red chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp Kashmir chilli powder
  • 1/2 cup thin coconut milk
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala powder
  • Curry leaves for garnish


  • Heat oil in a saucepan. Splutter mustard seeds.
  • Fry the ginger garlic paste till frangrant.
  • Add the onions and green chillies and saute till soft.
  • Add the tomatoes and cook till it becomes mashed.
  • Add in the turmeric and chilli powders and saute on high heat till it is nicely fried.
  • Add in the coconut milk, adjust the salt. Allow to come to a boil.
  • Add in the boiled quail eggs and cook for around five minutes or till the masala thickens and coats on the eggs.
  • Sprinkle in the garam masala powder and mix well.
  • Serve hot garnished with curry leaves.

Join the Conversation

  1. I haven’t tasted quail eggs do they taste the same as chicken eggs. Beautiful serving dish and yummy eggs

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Yes, they taste very similar to chicken eggs, just that they are small in size… Thanks a lot Nusrath…

  2. Eggs are my favorite. Love this spicy and flavourful egg roast!

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Sindhiya…

  3. The roast looks superb dear….. Oh I didn’t know that one quail egg equals 5 eggs… It is difficult to stop with just one egg…then with one quail egg which is so small one should have great control ……..I love that pot …nice colour…

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Anupa…

  4. Love the cute little pot raf.I know these are nutritious as u say but i don’t know how more nutritious than chicken eggs.Its entirely delicious

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Sathya…

  5. This looks yummy. Got to try

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thanks a lot Jayanthi…

  6. Being vegetarian o m not familiar with this dosh..but looking at it I can say it will taste delicious

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Vidya…

  7. quail egg roast looks delicious,all I need are few appams to finish them off,hi hi..I have also heard that 1 quail egg = 5 chicken eggs but never got a chance to taste these.Do they taste same like chicken eggs??

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Julie… yes, there is not much difference in the taste of quail eggs…

  8. I’ve never had or seen quail eggs! I’m so interested in tasting it, looks so yum!

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Beulah…

  9. Oh ! Enthu kothikunna recipe 🙂
    But never tasted before such a yummy looking quail eggs!
    So true and calming post…..
    Made my day rafeeee:-) 🙂 🙂

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Oh… good to hear that Hiba dear… 🙂 Thanks a lot… 🙂

  10. Looks lovely. I’ve never thought to make egg curry with quail’s eggs before. Thanks for sharing the idea!

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Erum…

  11. Love the spice combo and looks so yum….

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much Nora…

  12. This brings back lovely memories, my best friend growing up, her mom used to me this for us in the winter but with chicken eggs instead. Quail eggs looks like an interesting twist!

    1. Rafeeda AR Author says:

      Thank you so much dear…

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