Custard Powder Cookies

This recipe has been pending for quite some time. A friend of mine had asked for it when she saw this picture on my FB page. Unfortunately, I had forgotten how I had made it. After a lot of brainstorming and searching,  I found the recipe I had referred to!


I guess this is the first cookie post on my blog, not I guess, it is! That’s because I hardly make cookies. This is my second attempt you can say, after one flopped hard rock like chocolate cookies that I had made some time ago. The problem with me is once I am disheartened, it takes me time to get back to normal, whatever it may be. I seriously feel that this bad character of mine will hamper my desire to try a lot of new recipes. Failures and flops are a part and parcel of the whole thing, right… I am trying to teach myself that so that I can push myself to start backing some cookies soon… atleast for the kids… 🙂


Custard Powder Cookies

Course Cookies
Cuisine International
Prep Time 8 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 18 minutes
Servings 10
Author Rafeeda


  • 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup custard powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 100 gm butter


  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Put parchment paper on a biscuit tray.
  • Sift all the dry ingredients together.
  • Melt the butter. Add into the dry ingredients and mix well with hands.
  • Make small balls and press them slightly. Use a fork to make impressions.
  • Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until slightly brownish.

Join the Conversation

  1. Wow! Delicious looking cookies Rafeeda 🙂

    1. thank u so much nilu… 🙂

    1. thank u so much dear…

  2. I have custard powder at home which has not been used for long. I will make this

    1. if you do try, do let me shella… would love to know… 🙂

  3. Ur blog name is cute…flaky cookies…first time here happy following u…when free drop into my space

    1. thank u so much revathi… u've a lovely blog too… 🙂

  4. Even i love cookies with custard powder, the picture itself says how addictive these cookies are..Well done.

    1. thank u so much priyaji… 🙂

  5. Wow, So easy recipe for these cute cookies. Awesome.

    1. thank u so much dear…

  6. cookies and custard powder. interesting combo. tempting result.

    1. thank u so much dear…

  7. for a second time cookie attempt it looks good and a lovely flavor combo.

    1. thank u so much manju…

  8. How do you do it girl, so fast and so unique? These cookies seem like quite the invention. I'm sure custard powder makes them crumbly soft. Gimme, gimme!

    1. i made these quite some time back, tisa… posting it now, that's it… when google mom is there to help, who can stop you!!! 😉

  9. Lovely flavour and looks great…

    1. thank u so much saranya…

  10. looks fabulous and inviting

    1. thank u so much divya…

  11. these cookies looks delicious….

    1. thank u so much divya…

  12. Very innovative cookies, looks yummm and inviting.

    I moved my blog to a new doamin:

    Please feel free to check it out. 🙂

    1. thank u so much malar… wud visit your page… 🙂

  13. Looks so nice.. hope u all enjoyed 🙂

    1. thank u so much chitra… 🙂

  14. Im going to try this weekend…look delicious

    1. thank u so much shazzy…

  15. yummy n crunchy cookies…

    1. thank u so much preeti…

  16. They look delicious….I have a packet of custard powder lying around,will sure try this out !

    1. thank u so much reni… 🙂

  17. Looks great dear, nice addition of custard powder.

    1. Thank u so much ambreen…

  18. Yummy & delicious. Loved the idea of using custurd powder

    1. Thank u so much humi…

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