I have a house full now, Alhamdulillah… Last Wednesday, my sister and her son landed from the US to be with us for two weeks. She has come with so many plans and is literally taking all of us for a ride. 😀 This weekend was so hectic that I am trying to relax myself in between work! I would admit that we are really enjoying this good time we are having. The kids have their last week of school and they really don’t want to go. Since B’s wedding reception is coming up in August, we have been concentrating on our wedding shopping – clothes for us, the kids’ clothes, clothes for the groom, for the parents, etc. etc. Only yesterday, we both realized we hadn’t thought about the husbands. 😀
We are trying to keep everything as simple as possible since neither of us nor D believes in splashing so much on a wedding, when that money can be well utilized for the new couple to get settled into life. Would you agree with me? Despite being on a shoe string budget, everything is just shooting out and I am trying to be as calm as possible. Just trying my best to manage with whatever I have possible. I have just one brother and we would want to be as well as possible during his reception. 🙂 Do include them in your duas, for a beautiful future…
I wanted to share this drink during Ramadan, but due to some reason, that didn’t seem to happen. Thankfully, we are in the peak summer, so it’s still a good time to share. 😉 This recipe was shared by Buraida, the same friend who had shared the Instant Rasmalai. The drink looks nothing complicated but it is so delicious, that it feels like having a sip of ice cream! The main ingredient is the whipping cream powder (Dream Whip and Al Alali are locally available brands), which makes the drink nice, creamy and delicious, but if you stay in a country where you don’t get the powder, then I feel the closest substitute would be some milk powder and a dash of vanilla extract. It is a lovely drink to serve, when you have guests expected on a very hot evening. It is so refreshing that many may go for second servings. I have used pomegranate arils to top it, though it sank into the glass… hehe… but feel free to add some fluffed up basil seeds or chia seeds for that extra chew! Off to this simple recipe…
Creamy Delight
- 3 cups cold milk
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 1 sachet whipping cream powder
- 1/2 tin condensed milk add more for sweetness
- Pomegranate arils for garnish
- Combine all ingredients except pomegranate arils and blend till smooth.
- Allow the blended mixtures to rest for sometime, before serving cold.
Very creamy and tasty!
Thanks Angie…
I totally agree about the money spend on wedding. Have fun.. Drink looks so creamy simple yet interesting
Thank you so much Veena…
Best wishes for the marriage, enjoy ur time with family.. the drink looks perfect to serve for summers,am sure kids will love it!
Thank you so much Julie…
Interesting and a delicious creamy drink to beat the summer heat…Best wishes for your brother’s wedding and may the Almighty shower His blessings on the (to be ) couples …Aameen 🙂
Thank you so much Ruxana… 🙂
When we visited a friends house she made this drink for us… It was simply delicious and we kept asking for more… she said she tried this recipe of yours. Instead of pomegranate she added sabja seeds…
That is really nice to hear… 🙂