Simple Strawberry Jam

Jam is something which is always in our fridge. I guess when you have school going kids and are working parents, jam, cheese and butter are a staple, for those morning rushes! During our initial days, when the kids were in heaven, we used to have bread, butter and jam every second day. My HD loves his toast that way, which made my life really easy. It was only after having the kids and moving to be with my parents, that habit of his was curbed to a certain extent, thanks to my umma’s daily fresh, hot piping breakfast, very unlike her lazy daughter! 😉


Strawberries are now slowly going off season, however still available in the market. One thing I like about UAE is that you get all fruits and vegetables through out the year, fresh on the counter, though the prices may really vary depending on the place it is imported from. Over the last couple of months, there were loads of Egyptian strawberries flooding the market and I was so tempted to keep packs in the fridge. Apart from making the lassi, I wanted to bake a strawberry cake and make some jam as well. The former never happened, as most of the strawberries went directly into the intestine of my kids, however I was able to save some for trying the jam and wasn’t I glad I did!!! Everyday, Rasha would only want this jam in her toast to school and my HD would happily have it for breakfast. They even told me that it was much better than the store bought one! Now what better compliment can I get! 🙂


Recipe from hereThis quantity hardly lasted a week, my kids and HD were having jam on toast morning and evening during this time! 🙂 I would really suggest you, in case you are a first timer, to take time and read the link that I have posted on the top. It is so much in detail and will be of really good help… trust me… 🙂



I have to mention this as I do this post… the idea of the above picture was given to me by Rasha. As I was clicking the snap in the first position, she came and asked me, “Ummi, since this is red, how would people know whether you are taking a picture of strawberry jam or ketchup?” As soon as she said that, she exited the room and I was set thinking. And what she said is right! I didn’t even have a single strawberry to keep as a prop, so anybody would get confused. So there you go, I teared up a sheet from her little book and in my “beautiful” handwriting, I wrote what it was. It is good to get some ideas from fresh minds as theirs, right… 🙂



Simple Strawberry Jam

Course Dips
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 4
Author Rafeeda


  • 2 cups whole strawberries washed and chopped
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp lime juice


  • The first thing to do is to sterilize one glass jar. I used an empty Nutella 340 gm jar, washed it well and boiled it in hot water along with the lid for around 15 minutes.
  • Lift up the bottle using tongs and keep it inverted with mouth down, on a clean kitchen towel to cool and dry.
  • Add all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to boil. Keep on medium-low flame and continuously stir the mixture. You will start seeing the strawberries becoming pulpy.
  • Keep cooking the mixture, stirring occasionally to ensure it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. The strawberries will literally "melt" and become a mass.
  • Meanwhile, freeze a clean plate for around 20 minutes. To know if the jam is set, drop some quantity on the plate and tilt. If the jam stays on the plate, then it is ready, but if it is runny, then cook further till the consistency is reached.
  • I must have cooked for almost 30 minutes to get the jam ready. Switch off the flame.
  • Wipe the jar well with a kitchen towel and pour the slightly cooled jam into the bottle. Keep as is for some time.
  • Close with a cleaned lid and leave the bottle inverted for around 20 minutes. This is to avoid any molds from being formed.
  • Once completely cooled, store in your refrigerator.


Makes a full 350 gm bottle

Join the Conversation

  1. wow .. thats so yummy. Really u r one super talented super active lady.. hw do u manage so many stuff dear ? wrking , managing home,cooking , blogging daily .. n much much more .. hats off girlie ..

    1. Alhamdulillah, dear… it is only the grace of the Almighty, nothing else, till He keeps me this way, I will go on… 🙂 Thanks a lot dear…

  2. Yummy n tempting jam…..homemade is always d best

    1. Thank you so much Fasee…

  3. Yummy jam and this is my favorite

    1. Thank you so much Ramya…

  4. Homemade is the best, easy and delicious jam….

    1. Thank you so much Priya…

    1. Thank you so much Ruxana…

  5. Perfect strawberry jam. So colourful and Yum. Lip smacking recipe.

    1. Thank you so much Eliza…

  6. this is superb dear…

    1. Thank you so much Preeti…

  7. perfect jam.. home made is the best…..

    1. Thank you so much Femi…

  8. home made jam! wow! looks good

    1. Thank you so much Veena…

  9. I miss making strawberry jam every year 🙁 The jam looks so yum Rafee. And awww Rasha, you are so right sweetie! Love that second click too Rafee 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Priya… 🙂

  10. perfect super tempting jam Rafeeda..

    1. Thank you so much Lisha…

  11. ive tried this n with mixed fruits as well…truly yummy!!

    1. Thank you so much Vidhyaji…

  12. Home made is the best,looks so yummy

    1. Thank you so much Suja…

  13. Loved the colour.. Looks perfectly made..

    1. Thank you so much Gloria…

  14. Yes jam in hand makes the morning wonderful inspite of all the hurry ?Jam looks so good dear

    1. Thank you so much Sathya…

  15. Superb dear…looks too good….

    1. Thank you so much Resna…

  16. jam looks superb! 🙂 Home made is always best! I often get strawberry jam for my kid likes it alot along with whole wheat bread in the mornings.. Even myself n dear Hus love them lots! Very useful post for me!

    1. This is so easy dear and I am sure ur daughter will love it, just like mine did!!! Thanks a lot dear… 🙂

  17. wow!!! wow!!! luk so yumm and delicious!

    1. Thank you so much Divya…

  18. perfect jam,love the idea n thinking of ur daughter very clever

    1. Thank you so much Babi…

  19. Loved this jam…love it with bread chapathis or anything.

    1. Thank you so much Princy…

  20. Perfectly made jam……and of course, always the homemade wins in hearts 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Remya… 🙂

  21. Looks so good. I never knew you can test jam consistency on a cold plate. Lovely picture that first one, Rafee.

    1. Thank you so much Tisa…

  22. Delicious strawberry jam Rafee Love the color, great without any preservative

    1. Thank you so much Swathi…

  23. yumm , home made jam, looks better than shop bought

    1. Thank you so much Nammi… and tasted better as well!!!

  24. Perfect home made jam. Simply good on bread and anything else for the matter; scones, buns etc etc.

    1. Thank you so much Nava…

    1. Thank you so much Beulah…

  25. Yum yummy jam . love it

    1. Thank you so much Beena…

  26. hahaha so cute baby mashAllah .. but seriously raffy this jam looks awesome 🙂 i do remember my jam butter n bread at school lolx.. yeah strawberries are going out of season.. hey lemme know how you preserve your strawberries.. ? in fact raffy i purchased them day before yesterday stored them in refrigerator (not in freezer ) today saw them they were loosing their colour n shape today 🙁 if i dot want to preserve them what can i do for keeping them for few days at least.. any idea dear you have ?

    1. Yes, strawberrieshelpget off shape very quick. I've read some ppl wash them, pat dry, n freeze then in bags n thaw it when required. I've never tried it myself dear… Maybe Google can help! 🙂 Thank you so much Monu… 🙂

  27. You guys are pulling me make some jam at home, but unfortunately strawberries are rare here now, waiting eagerly for the peak sesaon.. Love that glossy jam Sis.

    1. Thank you so much Priya akka…

  28. Wow yummy dear loved this yummy recipe…

    1. Thank you so much Prema…

  29. yummmy jam.. love the color

    1. Thank you so much Kalpana…

  30. Jam looks so perfect….This is on my to make list for this summer …thanks for reminding me about it… 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Anupa… 🙂

  31. I too have been making strawberry jam since 2 years and we love it!! Rasha is a very smart girl!!

    1. Thank you so much Pankthi…

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